If you are learning about ergonomic as well as ergonomic chairs to serve your working, this article is what you need. FittingChairs will share with you about what is ergonomic principle in different aspects.
What is ergonomic principle?
Besides finding what is ergonomics, have you ever wondered, “what are ergonomic principles?”
Ergonomic principles are the key ideas that underlie the behaviors that workers should practice in order to avoid ergonomic injuries, such as musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs).
It commonly refers to ensuring that the tools and methods that a worker uses are a safe match to their physical capabilities.
There are 10 fundamental principles of ergonomics which are:
Work in neutral postures
Proper posture maintenance is necessary. Keeping the proper alignment of neck hands wrist is also necessary.
Working too long with “C” curve can cause strain.
Reduce excessive force
Excessive pressure or force at the joints can cause injury. It’s best to minimize work that requires more physical labor.
Keep everything in reach
This will help in avoiding unneeded stretching and strain. This principle is related to maintaining good posture.
Work at proper height
Working properly makes things way easier. Sometimes, you can add extensions or avoid extensions on the chair or tables to maintain the height.

Reduce excessive motions
Repetitive motion needs to be avoided. This can cause disorder and numbness in a long run. Use power tools to reduce motion scan.
Minimize fatigue and static load
Fatigue is common in strenuous work. It can be reduced by the intervals and the breaks between the works.
Minimize pressure points
We need to be aware of pressure points. One of the pressure point is behind knees, which happens if air is too high or when you dangle your legs.
Pressure point is also created in between your thigh and the bottom of a table when you sit.
You can use anti-fatigue mats or insole.
Provide clearance
Work area should have enough clearance.
Move, exercise and stretch
Move and stretch whenever you can. You should take intervals between the works and stretch and move along.
Maintain a comfortable environment
This principle is focused on the other component of the work environment.
It is the lightening, space, cool air and more.
What are ergonomic design principles?
So what is the ergonomic principle of the ergonomic design? Here are ergonomic design principles you should know:
1. Make the workstation adjustable.
2. Locate all materials and tools in front of the worker to reduce twisting motions. Provide sufficient work space for the whole body to turn.
3. Avoid static loads, fixed work postures, and job requirements in which operators must frequently or for long periods.
4. Set the work surface above elbow height for tasks involving fine visual details, and below elbow height for tasks requiring downward forces and heavy physical effort.
5. Provide adjustable.
6. Allow the workers to alternate between sitting and standing. Provide floor mats or padded surfaces for prolonged standing.
7. Support the limbs: provide elbow, wrist, arm, foot, and back rests as needed and feasible.

8. Use gravity to move materials.
9. Design the workstation so that arm movements are continuous and curved. Avoid straight-line, jerking arm motions.
10. Design so arm movements pivot about the elbow rather than around the shoulder to avoid stress on shoulder, neck, and upper back.
11. Design the primary work area so that arm movements or extensions of more than 15 in are minimized.
12. Provide dials and displays that are simple, logical, and easy to read, reach, and operate.
13. Eliminate or minimize the effects of undesirable environmental conditions, such as excessive noise, heat, humidity, cold, and poor illumination.
Principles of ergonomics in the workplace
Ergonomics is the science of properly fitting the workspace to the worker, and maximizing the layout and available tools to create efficiency and productivity.
Now let’s find out what is ergonomic principle in the workplace. The principles of ergonomics in the workplace include:
- Work in neutral postures
- Maintain the S-curve of the spine
- Keep the neck aligned
- Keep elbows at sides
- Keep wrists neutral
- Reduce excessive force
- Vibration
- Keep everything in easy reach
- Reach envelope
- Work at proper heights
- Do most work at elbow height
- Exceptions to the rule
- Reduce excessive motions
- Minimize fatigue and static load
- Minimize pressure points
- Provide clearance
- Move, exercise, and stretch
- Maintain a comfortable environment
- Lighting and glare

What is the purpose of ergonomic principles?
Aside from learning about what is ergonomic principle, you should also know the purposes of these principles.
The purpose of ergonomic principles is to make sure the job environment, including tasks, workstations, tools, and equipment, is well-matched to the worker, minimizing stress on that worker’s body.
According to the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries, ergonomics in the workplace has been shown to yield significant increases in productivity, reductions in employee absenteeism, and decreases in employee turnover rates across a variety of positions and industries.
What is the focus of ergonomics?
How does ergonomics work? Ergonomics focuses on the interactions between work demands and worker capabilities.
The goal is to achieve the interactions between the work and the worker that will optimize productivity as well as preserve the safety and health of the workforce.
See more:
- What is ergonomic hazard
- What makes a chair ergonomic?
- How often might ergonomic training be offered in the workplace
To sum up, you should know what is ergonomic principle to have a deeper understanding about this term. And from these, you can have a good choice of ergonomic chairs as well as having a proper sitting posture.
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